Sports Exchanges in Northeast Asia and on the Korean Peninsula 체육사학 : 동북아 스포츠교류와 한반도
44(2) 3-13, 2005
Sports Exchanges in Northeast Asia and on the Korean Peninsula 체육사학 : 동북아 스포츠교류와 한반도
The aim of sports exchanges with Northeast Asian countries is for Korea to develop a strategy to emerge as the foremost country when it comes to sports and to build a development-oriented Northeast Asian community whose members maintain friendly relations with each other. Another aim of sports exchanges between Northeast Asian countries is to contribute to the improvement of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula by uniting the Northeast Asian region.
This study is aimed at establishing a foundation to map out a strategy for advancing sports exchanges in Northeast Asia. This study seeks to suggest effective methods for sports exchanges among Northeast Asian countries to develop counter-strategies the Northeast Asian community can use to respond to the globalization and localization that is evolving at a dynamic pace all over the world.
Networks of supporters for each sport need to be formed, with non-governmental organizations taking the leading role, to boost exchanges between supporters. Local governments need to select sports to be nurtured at home, and build a concentrative and organic cooperation system amongst themselves. The number of participating countries and sponsoring companies in sports games needs to be increased by benchmarking North American and European techniques employed in sports exchanges and sports marketing.
Sports games between Northeast Asian countries need to be broadcast to North American and European audiences, as well as Asian audiences. Star players in each sport need to be nurtured to draw a wider audiences and generate an interest in those sports by using the mass media. Small and medium sized enterprises need to be encouraged to provide sponsorship, through consortium, to sporting events.
Key Words
northeast asia, korean peninsula
A Research on the origin of Daito-ryu Jujutsu originated from Doraein(Silla Lineage) - Focused on Chang Po-go(Sillamyojin) - 체육사학 : ≪대동유유술(大東流柔術)≫의 도래(渡來)인(人) 기원(起源)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 장보고(張保皐)(신라명신(新羅明神))를 중심으로 -
송일훈IlHunSong , 김재우JaeWooKim
44(2) 15-25, 2005
A Research on the origin of Daito-ryu Jujutsu originated from Doraein(Silla Lineage) - Focused on Chang Po-go(Sillamyojin) - 체육사학 : ≪대동유유술(大東流柔術)≫의 도래(渡來)인(人) 기원(起源)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 장보고(張保皐)(신라명신(新羅明神))를 중심으로 -
송일훈IlHunSong , 김재우JaeWooKim
The purpose of this research was to establish the tradition about the origin of Daito-ryu Jujutsu through comparing Chang Po-go with Sillasaburo Yosimitsch and analyzing the result. This research suggested several facts to reevaluate the historical point of view about Martial arts of Korea, China and Japan.
The results of research reveal following;
First, there ware several historical facts to prove that the origin of Daito-ryu Jujutsu was Silla.
Second, it was revealed that Jung-par Juck-san palace(Ciga-hun, Ohts-city) was the place where Silla people who was the descendant of Chang Po-go lived
Third, Silla people who was the descendant of Chang Po-go transmitted the origin named Daito-ryu to Sillasaburo Yosimitsch
Forth, the flag symbolizing the head family of the Jujutsu of Sillasaburo Yosimitsch, Takeda Shingen, Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu was the same to that of Chang Po-go.
Fifth, the origin of Daito came from Daito-ru that is the boundary of Bal-hae in the Chang Po-go lifetime and Amnok-river in Silla.
Sixth, it was written that the concept of Warrior is not to come from "Musha" of Japan but "Musa" of Korea in the Woo Kwan script written by Zawon who was a monk of Japanese Chun-tae Jong(a kind of Buddhism).
Judging from this research, it was revealed the historical facts that the first head of ancient Daito-ryu Jujutsu orginated from Silla people who was the descendant of Chang Po-go.
For the purpose of restoring the tradition that Chang Po-go was the origin of Daito-ryu Jujutsu, there should be more research about Martial arts and more reevaluation about the historical point of view of Daito-ryu Jujutsu.
In the future, it is needed to preserve and succeed the achievement of Chang Po-go in the side of military arts through building the cooperate system of Korea, China and Japan.
Key Words
daito-ryu jujutsu chang po-go(sillamyojin)
Pragmatism and Physical Education 체육철학 : 실용주의와 체육 교육
44(2) 29-38, 2005
Pragmatism and Physical Education 체육철학 : 실용주의와 체육 교육
To accomplish the goal of physical education in pragmatism, the following conclusions were drawn in this study. First, the usefulness and the truth can not be separated in pragmatism. According to James, the truth is like a bank check insisting that it is useful because it is the truth and vice versa. Therefore, we can learn the truth needed in our daily lives ourselves through physical education by participating actively.
Second, the rationalism is denied which consider the reality as a ready made product from the past while considering the reality as incomplete process in pragmatism. Thus, the truth or the reality is growing where we participate actively with scientific knowledge. The changes of environment is always happening when we participate in physical education. The leaner should be able to sense, prepare, and utilize these changes.
Third, the idea and knowledge is not on absoluteness. As mentioned earlier, insisting absolute truth in changing environment is wrong. The theory of knowledge in pragmatism advocates the open-minded and naturalistic attitude toward the truth, ontology, and theory of value. Practicality is the ruler to understand the various theories and views. Thus, the existing theories can be examined through the trial and error procedures in our lives.
Finally, human being is a social animal. We learn physical activities as well as affective and cognitive aspects through physical education. Knowledge and experiences learned from physical education will be applied to social interactions. Interpreting physical education in the light of empiricism and instrumentalism in pragmatism would provide great tools and learning/teaching methods which reflects our social environment of the failed public education system and individualism. Physical education, education through physical activity, can play an essential roles in education for better individual, society, and country.
Key Words
pragmatism, physical education, education through the physical activity
Interpretation of Yaburu-Haburu-Hanareru(守破離) in Oriental Martial Arts (From the Viewpoint of Jul-Char-Tark-Mar) 체육철학 : 동양무예에 보이는 수파리(守破離)의 절차탁마(切磋琢磨)적 해석
강유원YuWonKim , 김이수YiSooKim
44(2) 39-49, 2005
Interpretation of Yaburu-Haburu-Hanareru(守破離) in Oriental Martial Arts (From the Viewpoint of Jul-Char-Tark-Mar) 체육철학 : 동양무예에 보이는 수파리(守破離)의 절차탁마(切磋琢磨)적 해석
강유원YuWonKim , 김이수YiSooKim
This is a research on Confucian approach to Yaburu-Haburu-Hanareru(守破離) that one would face in practicing oriental martial arts. The Yaburu-Haburu-Hanareru is a concept that has its base on Japanese Geido(藝道) and recognized as the same with Buddhist practice course(聞: passive learning 思: enhancing thought 修: awakening).
In other words, it is a way to reach the utmost goal of martial arts: Do(道). Yaburu(守) refers to a phase where trainees must follow and obey what the master says and also can be expressed as practicing(習) and passive learning(聞). Haburu is a step where trainees embody what they have learned within principle and can be expressed as enhancing thoughts(思) and understanding the master's teachings. The last phase of Hanareru(離) is where trainees work to make their ability superb, beyond the men's area(入神) and can be interpreted to Buddhist's awakening(修). With the Confucian approached adopted, the course of Yaburu-Haburu-Hanareru is explained as Jul-Char-Tark-Mar(切磋琢磨).
1. Jul(切), as a stage for joining a certain branch of martial arts, means unconditional acceptance, literally representing "cut," or "break off," and is a symbol of absolute loyalty to the point that you can kill yourself by disemboweling.
2. Char(磋), which means design, preparation, and more relaxed practicing, is a step where trainees physically learn techniques of the branch. In short, Char has three different meanings: "design," "practicing," and "preparation."
3. Tark(琢) conveys the idea of "careful adventure," "challenge," "rhythm," and "harmony," which follows the rule of nature." Along with Char, Tark is one of the most important stages. Tark represents overall and somatic learning that includes physical, mental, and mind.
4. Mar(磨) is a phase where trainees escape the human limit(入神). They understand true meaning of harmony by learning softness, hardness, surrounding(上下左右) and Yin/Yang(陰陽). It is a phase of self-examination where trainees review(整理), finalize(磨勘) what they have learned during the previous stages, and eventually prepare for the end of life. Review and finalization, however, do not necessarily mean the end of practicing. They can be the new beginning and start. In other words, In the Mar stage, trainees set for a fresh beginning by understanding themselves (physically, mentally and their ideologies), communicating with God and their apprentices.
Key Words
oriental martial arts, yaburu-haburu-hanareru
Kritische Uberlegungen zum Diskurs in bezug auf die Binnendifferenzierung der Sportwissenschaft 체육철학 : 체육학 분화 및 통합 담론의 비판적 고찰
44(2) 51-61, 2005
Kritische Uberlegungen zum Diskurs in bezug auf die Binnendifferenzierung der Sportwissenschaft 체육철학 : 체육학 분화 및 통합 담론의 비판적 고찰
Im sportwissenschaftlichen Bereich gibt es eine gngige Meinung, die sich Sorge um die Krise der Sportwissenschaft machen. Nach der Meinung ist eine Hauptursache der Krise die starke Differenzierung der sportwissenschaftlichen Teildisziplinen. Die Sportwissenschaft konstituierte sich Anfang der 60er Jahre unter der Leitidee der Integration. Zwar befinde sich die Sportwissenschaft noch in der bergangsphase der teilisziplinren Addition, langfristig und als letzter Entwicklungsschritt msse dennoch ihre integrative Einheit das verdringliche Anliegen und Ziel der Sportwissenschaft sein und bleiben. Faktisch entfernte sich die Sportwissenschaft jedoch immer weiter von ihrem integrativen Ideal. Mit zunehmender Binnendifferenzierung ihrer Strukturen machte sich teildisziplinres Denken breit und ließ ihr einheitliches Selbstvetrstndnis regelrecht verkmmern. Die Folge war eine wachsende Kluft zwischen normativem Leitbild und Wirklichkeit der Sportwissenschaft, die schließlich zu jenen Irritationen der Standort- und Kursbestimmung fhrten, die die gegenwrtige Lage der Sportwissenschaft kennzeichnen. Die Sportwissenschaft wird daher nicht umhin knnen, ihr Strukturkonzept zu ueberdenken. Vordringliches Anliegen der Sportwissenschaft muss hierbei sein, die Diskrepanz zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit ihres Selbstbildes zu beseitigen.
Key Words
differentiation and integration of the sub-fields of sport studies, interdisciplinary
The Study on the Philosophical Meaning of Contemporary Sports 체육철학 : 현대스포츠의 철학적 의미에 관한 연구
44(2) 63-72, 2005
The Study on the Philosophical Meaning of Contemporary Sports 체육철학 : 현대스포츠의 철학적 의미에 관한 연구
In contemporary society, sport can be not simply described and categorized as a playful concept, but it is connoting various meanings and values. Sport is being treated by people as an important concept in comtemporary society. In other words, the form, value, and substance of sport have been changed relating to social surroundings throughout the years. Sport can not be returned to the forms of ancient Greek age and aims rarely for pure meanings and values of that era.
The meanings and values of sport have been consistently changed with its contentions and types throughout the years, as they have been reflected in contemporary sport. Clearly, some social values are contained in sport which has been organized in human society, and sport values influence conversely on social values. In this way, sport and society have been intimately sharing their meanings and values each other. Through the processes, sport has been recognized as a significant part of culture with civilizations. For example, sport partially replaced the religion which gave human beings important meanings in ancient days, and it is being used as instruments of education in contemporary society. It explains that the meanings of sport has been significantly changed. However, the most of all, it is obvious that sport has been the center of cultures through the industrializations.
In this sense, it is clear that sport and society have been intimately related by sharing their values and meanings. At this point, we need to find sport ideology which is containing important meanings to understand contemporary sport. It can be said that sport ideology influences directly or indirectly on the type and contention of contemporary sport. Prior to arguing positive or negative aspects of meanings of sport, there is no doubt that sport exists as true value in contemporary society.
Key Words
contemporary sports
A Study for Value-Thesis of Sport Culture 체육철학 : 스포츠 문화의 가치정립을 위한 연구
44(2) 73-83, 2005
A Study for Value-Thesis of Sport Culture 체육철학 : 스포츠 문화의 가치정립을 위한 연구
This study drew the following conclusion as a result of combining 'the sport culture' defined in a hypothetical term with the value theory and studying this so that it can be oriented toward a position of cultures with a higher level of value.
Since it was confirmed that there are cultures high and low in ranks among the sport cultures, a ground for value orientation was able to be put in place that can direct it upwards.
The sport culture was considered based on the relative value and the absolute value referred to in value theory.
In order to diagnose the pathological phenomena of the sport culture brought about by preponderance on the relative value, only the two issues around school physical education that is judged the most serious and chronic-sport team athletics' absence from classes and physical punishment on them-were selected and studied.
In solving these problems, the way of finding solutions were recommended by dividing them into 4 categories around the fairness, a just meaning of sports.
Therefore, in order for the direction of the sport culture to be headed toward a level high up the cultural ladder from now on, the relative value and the absolute value of all activities related to sports need to be adjusted in a well-balanced manner. And if efforts are made to induce the transformation of imbalance into balance and propensity into harmony in the sport culture by laying emphasis on emotion and on joy and the course of performing sports with victories, prizes and honer, the existing pathological phenomena will be overcome gradually, thus making a turning point for it to head for a position where it can be rated as the best culture.
Key Words
sport culture
The Analysis of Social and Cultural Factors by Ken-Do Person`s Motives of Participation 스포츠 사회학 : 검도수련자의 참여동기에 따른 사회,문화적 요인분석
김무진MooJinKim , 정희준HeeJoonJung
44(2) 87-95, 2005
The Analysis of Social and Cultural Factors by Ken-Do Person`s Motives of Participation 스포츠 사회학 : 검도수련자의 참여동기에 따른 사회,문화적 요인분석
김무진MooJinKim , 정희준HeeJoonJung
This research was carried out in order to find out two factors, one of them was the participation motives for Kendo discipline, and the other was social and cultural factors which work upon these participation motives. For the extent of this research, each of Kendo gym in 16cities in Korea was selected and picked 30 people up, making 480 people, according to the system stratified cluster random sampling.
And total of collected questionnaires were 445 copies, and 402 of which were utilized for this treatise. In this treatise, questionnaire was used as a measurement tool.
The conclution revealed through this investigation is following:
First, those who are taking fart in Kendo practice take a serious view of spiritual and physical health motives, and they have manners, social intercourse, competition, and flavor motives, which are characterful in Kendo practice.
Second, most women in Korea are negative in sports in participation, because they have had the education based on traditional moral principle idea, and mos of Korean have regarded women as inadequate persons for most kinds of sports.
Third, even though most women in Korea are under the influence of traditional moral principle idea, the women taking part in Kendo practice have little influence on that of Korea.
Fourth, economical or educational environment for Kendo disciple has little influence on participation motive,
Fifth, in participation motive, most Korean women are unchangeable, as their age increases, on the other hand, men under 30-year-old have competition motive and flavor motive, which are the most important motives.
However, men over 30-year-old have recapitalization by means of army service, marriage and company life etc, therefore the spiritual health motive and physical health motive are the most important participation motive for male Kendo practicer.
Key Words
ken-do, motive, socialization
The Relationships among Sport Participation, Athlete Satisfaction, and Intention to Sport Continuance and Withdrawal of Adolescent Athletes 스포츠 사회학 : 중,고등학교 운동선수의 스포츠참가요인과 운동선수만족, 운동지속 및 탈퇴의사의 관계
서희진HeeJinSeo , 김용준YongJunKim
44(2) 97-107, 2005
The Relationships among Sport Participation, Athlete Satisfaction, and Intention to Sport Continuance and Withdrawal of Adolescent Athletes 스포츠 사회학 : 중,고등학교 운동선수의 스포츠참가요인과 운동선수만족, 운동지속 및 탈퇴의사의 관계
서희진HeeJinSeo , 김용준YongJunKim
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among sport participation, athlete satisfaction, intention to sport continuance and withdrawal of adolescent athletes. The sample was drawn from 442 student athletes in middle and high school located in Seoul city, Gyunggi-do, and Chungcheong-do using a stratified cluster random sampling and PPS(probability proportional to size) method. Data were collected through the questionnaire based on the previous studies(Brown, 1985; Linder, Johns & Bucher, 1991; Coakley, 1992; Kim, et al, 2002; Martin, 1997; Seo, 2003; Seong, 2001; Song; 2000). The questionnaire was used after testing validity and reliability through pilot study. The multiple correlation and multiple regression analysis methods were used in order to test the relationship among variables. Each hypothesis was tested at the significant level of .05.
Based upon the result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn as follows;
First, the individual, social and institutional factors have relation to the athlete satisfaction factors.
Second, the individual, social and institutional factors have relation to the intention to sport continuance and withdrawal factor.
Third, the athlete satisfaction has relation to the intention to sport continuance and withdrawal factor.
In conclusion, the causal relation appears among the individual, social and institutional factors, the athlete satisfaction, and the intention to sport continuance and withdrawal factors.
Key Words
athlete satisfaction, sport continuance, adolescent athletes
The Relationship between Satisfactions of Communication, Morale, and Group Cohesion in High School Baseball Team 스포츠 사회학 : 고교야구 팀의 커뮤니케이션 만족과 선수 사기(morale) 및 집단 응집력의 관계
최영래YoungLaeChoi , 홍미화MiHwaHong , 원영신YoungShinWon
44(2) 109-118, 2005
The Relationship between Satisfactions of Communication, Morale, and Group Cohesion in High School Baseball Team 스포츠 사회학 : 고교야구 팀의 커뮤니케이션 만족과 선수 사기(morale) 및 집단 응집력의 관계
최영래YoungLaeChoi , 홍미화MiHwaHong , 원영신YoungShinWon
The purpose of this study was to analyze if the satisfaction of communication affects team moral and group cohesion among high school baseball teams.
201 high school baseball players selected by stratified cluster random sampling in Seoul and Kyongggi-Do participated in this study and self-assessment was adapted in this study.
Factor analysis, scale reliability analysis, co-relation analysis and multiple regression analysis were done by the collected data.
The result of this study were as follow.
First, individual desire was significant for communication with coaches, head coaches and other team players, and satisfaction of communication when the satisfaction of communication was analyzed to the moral of the players. For team desire, communication with coach and other players had significant differences.
Second, the variable, the satisfaction of communication with coaches, had significant differences for group centered socially oriented cohesion, individual centered task oriented cohesion, group centered task oriented cohesion, and individual centered socially oriented cohesion. when the satisfaction of communication was analyzed to the group cohesion. The variable, satisfaction of communication with the head coaches, group centered task oriented cohesion; the variable, the satisfaction of communication with other team players, affected group centered task oriented cohesion, group centered socially oriented cohesion, individual centered socially oriented cohesion.
Key Words
satisfactions of communication, morale, group cohesion
The relationship between physical self-perception and health promotion activity in adolescents 스포츠심리학 : 청소년의 신체적 자기지각과 건강증진 행위관계
고정수JeongSuKo , 성창훈ChangHoonSeong
44(2) 121-131, 2005
The relationship between physical self-perception and health promotion activity in adolescents 스포츠심리학 : 청소년의 신체적 자기지각과 건강증진 행위관계
고정수JeongSuKo , 성창훈ChangHoonSeong
This study was to explore the types of physical self-perception and health promotion activities in adolescents and to examine the differences in the levels of their activity practices by gender and level of school. The types of physical self-perception in 1125 adolescents, who were selected by stratified cluster sampling in 5 regional education office in Incheon were examined. The results were that physical self-perception of Incheon Adolescent were consisted of competence, body fat, appearance, health, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and physical activity. The types of health promotion activities they practiced were self-fulfillment, regular food intake, special healthcare, hygienic life, self-regulation, emotional support, diet, a rest and settlement, and exercise and physical activity. In addition, there were differences in physical self-perception and the level of activity practices in health promotion of Incheon adolescents by gender and grades. Furthermore, the relationship between physical self-perception and health promotion activities illustrated multiple characteristics. These results were discussed along with future research direction.
Key Words
health promoting Lifestyle, adolescents
An analysis of the state emotion of Violence experience of the Athletes 스포츠심리학 : 폭력을 경험한 운동선수의 정서상태 분석
The primary purpose of this study is to help promote an environment in which athletes can participate in sports activities willingly by identifying causes of violence and harassment among athletes, psychological responses of victims, types of assaulters and violence, traits of assaulters, burnout states of Individual-Sports athletes and Team-Sports athletes who have experienced violence and harassment, reasons for persisting in athletics despite violence and harassment, and forms of violence and harassment among Individual-Sports athletes and team- sport athletes.
In order to achieve these two purposes, we conducted a research on 252 athletes of boys high schools located in D city, I city, and P city. The research was prosecuted depending on two complementary methods: one is POMS questionnaire employed as a way of getting objective information about the characteristics.
Specifically, we figured out the respective mean and standard deviation of Individual-Sports athletes and team sport athletes and performed a t-test of the differences between the two separate groups in order to compare and contrast the levels of burnout of the two categories. We also performed a x2 to compare and contrast the levels of violence and harassment of the two categories. The results of the above multi-faceted work led us to the following conclusions. The violence and harassment of the senior athlete group results from their own authoritarianism as well as from junior athletes□ bad language, misdeed, bad manners, lack of skills and efforts, and collective actions. As for leaders, violence and harassment are employed on players because of their lack of skills and efforts, misdeed, and bad manners. Finally, parents use violence and harassment in the form of physical punishment on their children, sometimes because of their misdeed and bad manners and sometimes as a means to their success in the future. In the influence which the burnout states of Individual-Sports athletic victims and team- sport athletic victims exercise on depersonalization and degree of personal accomplishment, there is some significant difference between the two categories. In contrast, there is no significant difference in their influence on emotional burnout between the two categories. In individual sport, no violence and verbal violence are more frequently employed, while in team sport physical violence and verbal-physical violence are more frequently used.
Key Words
violence, emotion
The Effect of Pre-Shot Routine Training on Golf Performance 스포츠심리학 : KPGA 투어골퍼의 프리샷루틴 훈련 효과에 관한 단일피험자 사례연구
44(2) 141-154, 2005
The Effect of Pre-Shot Routine Training on Golf Performance 스포츠심리학 : KPGA 투어골퍼의 프리샷루틴 훈련 효과에 관한 단일피험자 사례연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of pre-shot routine training on golf performance. KPGA Tour Golfer 'K' participated in this study. Orlick's 'Mental training for athletes' and Nguyen's 'pre-shot routine program' guided the development and implementation of K's pre-shot routine. But, the most important thing in routine wasn't so much the content, but a golfer has one that was repetitive and consistent. So, the dynamic relationship between K and counsellor was important factor to develop K's pre-shot routine. Single-Case AB design was applied in this study. In A series, 3 times of KPGA Tour Competition were filmed, 3 times of TOPS questionnaire were examined at an interval from 1 to 3 weeks and Official Records(Scoring Average, Greens in Regulation, Putting Average, Par Saves and Money List) of 5 Tour Competitions were collected. In B series, K's pre-shot routine was developed with in-depth interview, 3 times of KPGA Tour Competition were filmed, 4 times of TOPS questionnaire were examined and Official Records of 3 Tour Competition were collected in order to evaluate the effect of pre-shot routine training. The repetitive utilization of pre-shot routine in competition has been shown to increase K's golf performance(Scoring Avrage, Greens in Regulation and Par Saves) and psychological readiness(posititve self-talk, arousal regulation and imagery). Therefore, golfers should develop their own pre-shot routine to strengthen their psychological readiness and improve golf game.
Key Words
pre-shot routine, consistent, golf performance
The Validity of the Questionnaire of TaeKwonDo Instructor Stress 스포츠심리학 : 태권도 사범 스트레스 척도 타당성 검증
The purpose of this study was to verify the concept of TaeKwondo instructors' stress statistically and to verify the validity of Questionnaire of TaeKwondo instructors' stress. TaeKwonDo instructors participated in this study. The first data collected from 180 TaeKwonDo instructors(age M=26.50, SD=4.52; practice term M=14.04, SD=5.16; teaching term M=3.81, SD=3.03) was used to analyze descriptive statistic and EFA(exploratory factor analysis). The second data collected from 295 TaeKwonDo instructors(age M=26.13, SD=4.16; practice term M=15.35, SD=14.33; teaching term M=6.94, SD=19.15) was used to analyze CFA(confirmatory factor analysis), discriminant validity, and , convergent validity. The result as follows : The first, the result of descriptive statistics(Mean, Standard Deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis, Cronbach' α, and if item deleted) appeared positively. And four factors of TaeKwonDo instructor's stress were explored by EFA. Those were parent factor(.652~ .995), manners factor(.686~.900), teaching factor(.705~.807), and senior factor(.657~.760). The second, the result of CFA in four factors had positive indexes on Q(χ2/df)=1.8956, CFI=.947, TLI=.936, GFI=.918, PCFI=.787, IFI=.948, RMSEA=.058. And the third, the factor of Self-concept created by Lim(1988) was used for discriminant validity. The TaeKwonDo stress factors of correlation with Self-concept were -.038~.003. and the factor of role vagueness created by Cho(1998) was used for convergent validity. The TaeKwonDo stress factors of correlation with role vagueness were .097~.197. In conclusion the factors of TaeKwonDo instructors' stress were confirmed as parent factor, manners factor, teaching factor and senior factor, and these scales are able to use as questionnaire.
Key Words
taekwondo, validity, stress
The effects of school Administrators` Leadership Types on Burnout of Secondary School Physical Education teachers 스포츠교육학 : 중등학교 행정가의 지도성 유형이 교사들의 사기저하에 미치는 영향
권욱동WookDongKwon , 박민수MinSuPark
44(2) 169-182, 2005
The effects of school Administrators` Leadership Types on Burnout of Secondary School Physical Education teachers 스포츠교육학 : 중등학교 행정가의 지도성 유형이 교사들의 사기저하에 미치는 영향
권욱동WookDongKwon , 박민수MinSuPark
This study is intended to examine the effects of school administrators' leadership types on burnout of secondary school teachers. Its result is summarized as follows.
First, regarding the effect of the innovative guide of middle school education administrators on burnout of teachers, the teachers of public schools in School Type I experienced more emotional exhaustion. In examination by gender, female teachers tend to experience more emotional exhaustion and merciless attitude than male ones. In comparison by teaching career, the group of less than 5 years of teaching experience and 6 to 10 years of teaching experience tend to experience more burnout than the group of over 21 years of teaching experience. Second, regarding the effect of the transactional guide of middle school education administrators on burnout of teachers, teachers of public school in School Type I tend to experience more emotional exhaustion and burnout and have more merciless attitude than those of private school. Third, the more charismatic the middle school education administrator who has the innovative guide becomes, the more individual care of teachers he takes, and the more intellectual curiosity he promotes, the less burnout teachers experience. Fourth, the sub factors (charisma, paying attention to individual students, and promoting intellectual curiosity) of innovative guide and the circumstantial compensation of transactional guide keep and increase sense of achievement of each teacher to prevent burnout. Fifth, regarding burnout that teachers may experience while conducting educational activities, teachers of private school showed less burnout than those of public school in School Type I. According to teaching experience, age, educational background and characteristics of their work, teachers showed less burnout. According to gender, position, whether or not he or she is a class teacher and class hours a week, they experience much burnout.
Key Words
bumout, Leadership, physical education teachers
The Analysis of Students` Stress in the Physical Education class in Elementary School 스포츠교육학 : 남녀 초등학생의 체육수업 스트레스
The purpose of this study was to investigate students' preparation and stress in physical education class. It was also processed to find out the difference of stress levels in physical education class according to the gender and the degree preferring physical education. The data was collected from 307 students including 163 man and 144 woman. For the analysis, MANOVA on SPSS window version 10.0.was used.
The conclusions were as follows:
First, 66.1% of all participants liked physical education class and among them boys liked physical education class more than girls. Second, four stress factors in physical education class were determined as the stress from motor skill performance, insufficient physical strength, performance test, and the contents of the physical education class. Last, the student group who liked physical education class felt less stress than the others in the class.
Key Words
gender, preparation, stress, physical education class
The research for the diagnoses on the obstructive factors and the ways of handling them in physical education class 스포츠교육학 : 체육수업 저해요인의 진단과 대응방식 탐색
44(2) 193-205, 2005
The research for the diagnoses on the obstructive factors and the ways of handling them in physical education class 스포츠교육학 : 체육수업 저해요인의 진단과 대응방식 탐색
The aim of this study is to inquire into the diagnoses on the obstructive factors in physical education class and how physical education teachers should treat them. To perform this aim, the qualitative research methods was adopted. And the six physical education teachers in the secondary school were the subjects of the investigation.
Many physical education teachers pointed that the obstructive factors are firstly, the non-reality on the aspect of physical environments such as space, institution and environment, secondly, the noninterference on the aspect of structures related to the practical operation of physical education class and teaching-learning activity evaluation and thirdly, the closure on the aspect of relations such as cooperation and communication for the teaching activities among physical education teachers.
Besides, they pointed that the main obstructive factors are also fourthly, the non-suitability on the aspect of theories such as physical education theory and curriculum, the development of the text book and teacher's manual, fifthly, the multi-responsibility on the aspect of duties of physical education teachers in school, sixthly, the narrow-mindedness on the aspect of recognition related to physical education, and lastly, the formality on the aspect of systems such as research study, workshop and inspectors' guidance.
When it comes to the way to handle the obstructive factors, many teachers showed their convenience-favored features to accept and adjust themselves to the realistic interests, rather than to criticize and reform the present demands and difficulties.
And the favor of convenience was observed apparently on the curriculum procedure such as the aspect of teaching objectives, selection of contents, organization of contents and evaluation.
Key Words
diagnoses, obstructive factors, the way of handling
The Elementary Pre-service Teachers` Experiences of TGfU model 스포츠교육학 : 초등 예비교사의 이해중심 게임모형에 관한 경험 분석
44(2) 207-216, 2005
The Elementary Pre-service Teachers` Experiences of TGfU model 스포츠교육학 : 초등 예비교사의 이해중심 게임모형에 관한 경험 분석
The purpose of this study is to understand the Elementary Pre-service Teachers(EPTs)' experiences of Teaching Games for Understanding(TGfU). I adopted the critical incident technique and in-depth interview for collecting data, which were analyzed by the inductive content analysis. The results are as follows. The EPTs' experiences of games have been changed from the elementary school to the university of education, and those changes were prompted by the TGfU model. The EPTs recognized the TGfU model as an appropriate methods for teaching the elementary school students the games which were modified according to the students' joy, abilities, interests, and so on. Especially they emphasized both the joy of learning and the understanding as the educational meanings of the TGfU model. And they found that it's difficult to make the game modified at the levels of students.
Key Words
teaching games for understanding, TGfU, elementary pre-service teacher, EPT, game teaching
Study of an Instrument for Korean Middle School Students` Attitudes toward Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 중학생의 체육에 관한 태도 질문지 개발 절차 검증
조남기NamKiCho , 김동환DongWhanKim
44(2) 217-227, 2005
Study of an Instrument for Korean Middle School Students` Attitudes toward Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 중학생의 체육에 관한 태도 질문지 개발 절차 검증
조남기NamKiCho , 김동환DongWhanKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the adaptability of the survey instrument developed by Subramaniam and Silverman (2000b) for Korean middle school students' attitudes toward physical education. Psychometric evidence of validity and reliability of the scores for the adapted instrument was provided in this study. Participants were 111 Korean middle school students. Two primary factors for the adapted survey instrument were confirmed in this study: affect (enjoyment) and cognition (usefulness). In addition, two contextual factors were reviewed: curriculum and physical education teacher. The survey instrument was translated by three Korean doctoral students at Teachers College, Columbia University. They were requested to use back translation that is recommended in Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. The G-C alpha (a) coefficients for the factors included in the adapted survey instrument were above .98, and the scores measured by pedagogy experts and physical education teacher for the content validity were above .95. The scores for RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation), RMR (Root Mean Suqare Residual), GFI (Goodness of Fit Index), and AGFI (Adjusted Goodness Fit Index) in confimatory factor analysis to assess the survey instrument's model fit indicated that the hypothesized factor structure for the adapted survey instrument was fit to the observed data.
Key Words
attitude, physical education, survey instrument
The effect of training mode on physical fitness and swimming record 운동생리학 : 트레이닝의 형태가 기초체력요인 및 수영기록에 미치는 영향
44(2) 231-241, 2005
The effect of training mode on physical fitness and swimming record 운동생리학 : 트레이닝의 형태가 기초체력요인 및 수영기록에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze how weight training based on male students(n=7, age 21.5±1.76) and circuit training based on male students(n=7, age 21.2±1.83) result in physical fitness and swimming record before and after the swimming training was respectively practiced in the above groups during 12weeks( 3 times a week).
To conduct the purpose of this study effectively, weight training was practiced with the loading 75% of 1RM, and then circuit training was practiced with 1/2 reps of RM/min, and then swimming training was also practiced with 3,500m/day with 75%~85%HRmax. The results of this study are as follows : grip strength, leg curl strength, leg extension, arm curl strength, back strength(p<.01), and side step(p<.05), were found to have a significant increase in weight training group and leg curl strength, sit up(p<.05), side step and trunk flexion(p<.01) was found to have a significant increase in circuit training group. Crawl 50m and crawl 200m(p<.01) were found to have a significant decrease in weight training group, and then crawl 200m(p<.01) was found to have a significant decrease in circuit training group. As the above results, it is thought that the elevation of anaerobic power by the increase of muscle strength will have the record of crawl 50m shortened, and then it is also thought that the elevation of muscle endurance will have the record of crawl 200m shortened. Therefore, it is especially thought that the method of a proper training in the swimming will make the shortening of the records effective.
Key Words
weight training, circuit training, swimming training, swimming record
The changes of blood pressure and electrocardiography(ECG) at exercise stress testing in the exercise-induced hypertension(EIH) with middle-aged men 운동생리학 : 운동유발성 고혈압자들의 운동부하 검사시 혈압 및 심전도 변화
44(2) 243-252, 2005
The changes of blood pressure and electrocardiography(ECG) at exercise stress testing in the exercise-induced hypertension(EIH) with middle-aged men 운동생리학 : 운동유발성 고혈압자들의 운동부하 검사시 혈압 및 심전도 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of blood pressure and electrocardiography at exercise stress testing in the exercise-induced hypertension(EIH) with middle-aged men. The subjects consisted 26 middle-aged men, who was aged 30~50 years were checked by a body composition and exercise stress testing. The exercise-induced hypertension group consisted of 13 persons who had normal blood pressure at rest but, whose systolic blood pressure reached 200mmHg or more, or diastolic blood pressure was 90mmHg or more during exercise testing. The control group included 13 persons who showed normal blood pressure during exercise. In measurement index, body composition analysis were measured of percent body fat. The changes of blood pressure rest and during exercise were measured by exercise stress testing. And exercise stress testing were measured ST segment, ECG interval, and QRS vector. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of paired t-test. Results of this study were as follows; In the changes of blood pressure, exercise-induced hypertension group were higher significantly than that control group in the during exercise 3min, 6min, 9min, peak. In the ST segment, exercise-induced hypertension group were showed higher than that of control group. In the ECG interval, exercise-induced hypertension group were prolonged significantly than that of control group. And, in cardiac QRS vector, axis of frontal plane were deviated to right side by during exercise high blood pressure, and in amplitude, exercise-induced hypertension group were showed lower than that of control group. These data suggest that ECG change of exercise-induced hypertension persons seem to degenerated by during exercise high blood pressure, and suggest that exercise-induced hypertension persons have to increase their cardiovascular function by the physical training. Thus, persons with exercise-induced hypertension are in greater risk of development of hypertension.
Effect of carnosine administration on fatigue elements and exercise performance during exercise 운동생리학 : Carnosine 보충 섭취가 운동시 생성되는 피로물질 및 운동수행 능력에 미치는 영향
44(2) 253-260, 2005
Effect of carnosine administration on fatigue elements and exercise performance during exercise 운동생리학 : Carnosine 보충 섭취가 운동시 생성되는 피로물질 및 운동수행 능력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was investigated the effect of carnosine administration on blood lactic acid, ammonia, inorganic phosphorus and exercise performance during exhaustive exercise. Forty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into carnosine administration group(n=24), placebo group(n=24) respectively. All the animals were performed by exhaustive endurance exercise(28-30m/min, grade 0%) after carnosine administration(50mg/kg) duration 5 days. To estimate the exercise time on blood lactic acid, ammonia, inorganic phosphorus, each six rats were anesthetized in rest, exericse 30min and post-exercise, recovery 30min. Blood lactic acid concentration of carnosine group was significantly lower in post-exercise. Blood ammonia and inorganic phosphorus concentration of carnosine group was significantly lower. In conclusion, this results suggest that the carnosine administration can decrease blood ammonia and inorganic phosphorus concentrations. Especially, blood lactic acid concentration in carnosine administration was significantly lower in post-exercise by peak to lactic acid accumulation.
The Effects of a Self-efficacy Enhancing Aerobic Exercise on Body Composition and Pulmonary Function of Female College Students 운동생리학 : 자기효능증진 에어로빅스가 여대생의 신체구성 및 심폐기능에 미치는 효과
박종욱JongWookPark , 이홍자HongJaLee , 백선복SunBokPaik
44(2) 261-273, 2005
The Effects of a Self-efficacy Enhancing Aerobic Exercise on Body Composition and Pulmonary Function of Female College Students 운동생리학 : 자기효능증진 에어로빅스가 여대생의 신체구성 및 심폐기능에 미치는 효과
박종욱JongWookPark , 이홍자HongJaLee , 백선복SunBokPaik
The research design of this study was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this study were 32 female college students recruited from one university in Y-gun, Cheon-na province, South Korea. The experimental group consisted of 16, and there were 16 in the control group. The study was conducted from 1st November to 11th December 2003. During this 6 weeks period, both experimental and control group had participated in the aerobic exercise program which was composed 60% intensive activity, lasted 60 minutes per day, took place 3 times a week. The subjects in the experimental group also participated in the self-efficacy enhancing education program once a week for 6 weeks. The self-efficacy enhancing education program included teaching about the exercise's effects, sharing their exercise experience and counseling. Before and after the exercise program, the variables measured were physiological factors; blood pressure, weight, %body fat, total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy was measured with the Sherer, Maddux, Mercandante, Jacobs & Rogers(1982) measurement.
The baseline sociodemographic characteristics were compared between groups using the Chi-squire test, t-test. In order to compare the effects of the exercise program between experimental and control group, Repeated Measure ANOVA was employed. After performing exercise with the self-efficacy enhancing exercise program for 6 weeks, both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the experimental group compared with the control group were significantly decreased(p<.05). Total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein in the experimental group compared with the control group were significantly decreased after the exercise program(p<.05). Self-efficacy in the experimental group compared with the control group was significantly increased after the exercise program(p<.05). From these findings, it was confirmed that self-efficacy enhancing education program can: decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressure, decrease total cholesterol, improve self-efficacy.
The results suggest that the increasing self-efficacy was useful in helping college students to adhere a regular exercise practice. The results also suggest that self-efficacy enhancing education programs for college students were necessary for improving their exercise activity. Because of this results, the well designed exercise program with self-efficacy enhancing education is able to help individuals to adhere regular exercise practice.
Key Words
Self-efficacy, aerobic exercise, blood pressure, body composition
The Effects of Health-promote Running Exercise on Visceral Fat, Left Ventricular Structure and Function 운동생리학 : 건강달리기가 내장지방과 좌심실 구조 및 기능에 미치는 영향
44(2) 275-284, 2005
The Effects of Health-promote Running Exercise on Visceral Fat, Left Ventricular Structure and Function 운동생리학 : 건강달리기가 내장지방과 좌심실 구조 및 기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 20weeks health-promoting running on visceral fat, left ventricular function and lipid metabolism in men with abdominal obesity. Subjects were composed of sixty middle-aged men who have not habitual exercise or not participate any exercise program. The exercise intensities are measured by using Heart Rate Monitor(Polar oy SF-90440, Finland) during health-promoting running and was 60%~70% HRreserve. Subjects performed 3 day a week, during 20weeks, and on an average 60 minute a day. Body weight, % body fat did no change in both control and Health-promote running group, but VFV was significantly decreased in Health-promote running group after 20weeks(p<.05). O2max(㎖/min), O2max/wt(㎖/kg/min) and O2max/ LBM(㎖/kg/min) were significantly increased in Health-promote running group after 20weeks(p<.05). There are no significant difference in all left ventricular's parameters, such as end-diastolic dimension, end-systolic dimension, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, SV, CO, EF, FS after 20 weeks. Also exercise training did not induce to change left ventricular(LV) diastolic function. In conclusion, these results suggest that health-promoting running exercise might improve visceral obesity, cardiovascular function by the decrease of visceral fat and the increase of maximal oxygen consumption.
Key Words
running exercise, visceral fat, Left ventricular, obesity
Regression equations to predict one repetition maximal strength of bench press and Lat pull down from 7-10 repetition submaximal test in twenties males 운동생리학 : 7-10RM 방식에 의한 20대 남성의 Bench press와 Lat pull down의 1RN 추정식
이석인SukInLee , 임승길SeungKilLim
44(2) 285-293, 2005
Regression equations to predict one repetition maximal strength of bench press and Lat pull down from 7-10 repetition submaximal test in twenties males 운동생리학 : 7-10RM 방식에 의한 20대 남성의 Bench press와 Lat pull down의 1RN 추정식
이석인SukInLee , 임승길SeungKilLim
Purpose: This study was to develop regression equations to predict one repetition maximal strength of bench press and lat pull-down in untrained twenties males.
Methods: Data were obtained from ninety-five a university students in untrained twenties males. They didn't have any medical problem. They performed 1-RM test and 7-10RM test by bench press and lat pull-down. Stepwise regression analysis produced the equations to predict 1-RM of bench press and lat pull-down from submaximal test.
Results: Bench press 1-RM=2.619+1.212(7-10RM). Bench press 1-RM=-7.526+1.215(7-10RM)+1.175(Repetition). Lat pull-down 1-RM=11.135+1.055(7-10RM).
Conclusion: The developed regression equations on this study may be predicted acceptable degree of accuracy to 1-RM of bench press and lat pull-down for untrained twenties males. And 7-10RM test at exercise prescription field is a simple, easy, useful and safe method for predict to 1-RM.
Key Words
1-RM, 7-10RM, regression equations, bench press, Lat pull-down, submaximal test
Comparison on blood pressure of non-obese and obese man according to UCP2 Gene Polymorphism 운동생리학 : 일반인과 비만인의 UCP2 유전자 다형에 따른 혈압의 비교분석
The purpose of the study was to compare body fatness, cardio-respiratory fitness, blood pressure, and nitric oxide across the UCP2 gene I/D polymorphism in non-obese and obese man. A total of 92 apparently healthy volunteers (non-obese, n=54; obese, n=38; aged 20-30 years) were recruited via flyers and local advertisements. Body fatness measures included body weight, percent body fat, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip (WHR) ratio. Cardio-respiratory fitness measures included VO2max, 1-min recovery heart rate, and treadmill exercise duration. Diastolic and systolic blood pressures were measured by using a mercury sphygmometer. Mean arterial blood pressure was calculated. Nitrite concentration was measured in fasting plasma samples. Chi-square analysis showed no significant difference in the relative frequencies of the UCP2 I/D genotypes between the non-obese and obese groups. One-way analyses of variance showed significant genotype differences in DBP (p=.029), MAP (p=.040), and nitrite concentration (p=.027) in the obese group such that those with DD genotype had significantly higher values than those with ID genotype. With respect to the non-obese group, however, there were no significant genotype differences in any of the measured variables. Therefore, the current findings suggest that 1) the UCP2 I/D gene polymorphism may contribute to elevated blood pressure in the obese group and 2) compared to those with ID genotype, higher nitrite concentration found in those with DD genotype may reflect a compensatory response to the elevated blood pressure in the obese group with DD genotype.
Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise ability evaluation in The Wingate effort testing times 운동생리학 : Wingate 운동 수행시간에 따른 유,무산소성 운동능력 평가
조현철HyunChulCho , 김종규JongKyuKim
44(2) 305-314, 2005
Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise ability evaluation in The Wingate effort testing times 운동생리학 : Wingate 운동 수행시간에 따른 유,무산소성 운동능력 평가
조현철HyunChulCho , 김종규JongKyuKim
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of measuring both aerobic and anaerobic exercise ability in the Wingate effort testing times(30sec, 45sec, 60sec, 75sec). It was hypothesized that oxygen consumption increases rapidly during maximal effort and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) may be reached in above one minute. Formed the following tests: 1) practice 75-second maximal exertion test; 2) standard incremental workload VO2 max test; 3) Wingate anaerobic power test; 4) VO2 max measured during 30, 45, 60, 75-second maximal exertion test. All tests were performed on an electrically-Lode BV, EXCALIBYUR SPORT Wingate ergometer. Statistical analyses: A two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures(two-way(2×4) RM ANOVA) was used to compare group and period differences Wingate test times(30sec, 45sec, 60sec, 75sec). Stepwise multiple linear regression was used to determine variables standard incremental workload VO2 max and Wingate 75-second maximal exertion test.
Peak oxygen consumption values for the 30s(male: 31.82±5.67, female: 27.45±4.68 ㎖㎏-1min-1), 45s(male: 33.63±5.33, female: 29.14±5.41 ㎖㎏-1min-1), 60s(male: 41.77±8.04, female: 33.49±5.41 ㎖㎏-1min-1) were significantly lower than standard incremental workload (male: 48.75±6.96, female: 36.68±5.94 ㎖㎏-1min-1) but a 75s(male: 47.83±5.73, female: 36.15±5.92 ㎖㎏-1min-1) were no significantly a 75s test. Power measures were highly correlated both standard incremental workload and 75s test. It was concluded that VO2 max was attained during a 75s test. Furthermore, high correlations in power output for Wingate anaerobic test and 75s test precludes the necessity for anaerobic tests longer than the 30-second Wingate anaerobic test.
Key Words
aerobic and anaerobic power, wingate test, maximal oxygen uptake
Effect of HMB supplementation on body composition, Lactate dehydrogenase, and isokinetic maximal muscle power and muscle endurance during resistance exercise 운동영양학 : 저항성 운동을 병행한 HMB 섭취가 체조성, 젖산탈수소효소 및 등속성 운동시 최대근력과 근지구력에 미치는 영향
채창훈ChangHunChae , 김현태HyunTaeKim
44(2) 317-324, 2005
Effect of HMB supplementation on body composition, Lactate dehydrogenase, and isokinetic maximal muscle power and muscle endurance during resistance exercise 운동영양학 : 저항성 운동을 병행한 HMB 섭취가 체조성, 젖산탈수소효소 및 등속성 운동시 최대근력과 근지구력에 미치는 영향
채창훈ChangHunChae , 김현태HyunTaeKim
We investigated the effect of HMB(β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate) supplementation on body composition, muscle circumstance, lactate dehydrogenase, and isokinetic maximal muscle power and muscle endurance during resistance exercise. Twelve men between the ages of 20-24y were randomized to either a placebo supplemented(3g glucose/day) or HMB supplemented(3g HMB/day) groups. All subjects trained by resistance exercise(1RM 70-80%, 5sets, 10-12repetitions, 60min) for 5days. Body fat mass of after resistance exercise in placebo group was significantly higher compared to before resistance exercise. Thigh circumstance of after resistance exercise in HMB group was significantly higher compared to before resistance exercise. LDH activity was significantly lower in HMB group. Maximal muscle power(60°/sec) in flexors and extensors was significantly higher in HMB group. Also, Maximal muscle power(60°/sec) and muscle endurance(240°/sec) of flexors and extensors after resistance exercise in HMB group were significantly higher compared to before resistance exercise. Maximal muscle power(60°/sec) of flexors, and maximal muscle power(60°/sec) and muscle endurance(240°/sec) of extensors after resistance exercise in placebo group were significantly higher compared to before resistance exercise. These results indicated that short-term HMB supplementation may minimize muscle damage and increase isokinetic maximal muscle power when combined with an resistance exercise program.
A Study on the Magnitudes of Impact Force, Impact Shock, and Shock Attenuation of the Elderly during the Running 운동역학 : 달리기 시 노인들의 신체 충격 크기와 흡수 기능에 관한 연구
류지선JiSeonRyu , 윤희중HeeJungYoon
44(2) 327-340, 2005
A Study on the Magnitudes of Impact Force, Impact Shock, and Shock Attenuation of the Elderly during the Running 운동역학 : 달리기 시 노인들의 신체 충격 크기와 흡수 기능에 관한 연구
류지선JiSeonRyu , 윤희중HeeJungYoon
The goal of this research was to analyze the effects of impact force and impact shock on the body at support phase during a preferred run. Ten males in his twenties, ten sixties, and ten seventies groups were asked to run on a force-platform at their preferred speed, with lightweight accelerometers attached to both the distal tibial and mouth. Vertical ground reaction force, and tibia and mouth acceleration data during stance were used to calculate impact force, and impact shock parameters, respectively. Impact attenuation between the tibia and mouth was quantified by calculating a transfer function between two frequency spectra.
Twenties-aged group had a higher impact force peak, which attain from time domain during a preferred speed than sixties-aged and seventies-aged group's(p<0.05). All groups exhibited that almost power in the frequency range between 10 and 20 Hz, which associated with the foot impacting the ground was attenuated. Even though the twenties-aged group had a higher PSD at the tibia and mouth compared with the elderly groups, these groups showed that impact attenuation peak moved toward a high frequency.
A Kinematic Analysis of Dutguri Technique in Ssireum (Korean Traditional Wrestling) 운동역학 : 씨름 덧걸이 기술의 운동학적 분석
신성휴SeongHyooShin , 김태완TaeWanKim
44(2) 341-349, 2005
A Kinematic Analysis of Dutguri Technique in Ssireum (Korean Traditional Wrestling) 운동역학 : 씨름 덧걸이 기술의 운동학적 분석
신성휴SeongHyooShin , 김태완TaeWanKim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the kinematic variables of Dutguri technique in Ssireum (Korean Traditional Wrestling) with three dimensional analysis and show the kinematic characteristics. The subjects of the experiment is best Ssireum players who have been playing in professional Ssireum team and Dutguri is their primary technique. Kinematic variables analyzed here include time, posture, and center of gravity. The mean values and the standard deviations for each variables are obtained and used as basic factors for examining characteristics of Dutguri motion. The results of this analysis are the following:
1) Temporal variables
The total mean time elapsed of Dutguri motion of three subjects (A, B, C) is 0.04sec, 1.27sec, and 0.6.sec in phase 1, 0.35sec, 0.38sec, and 0.42sec in phase 2, and 0.42sec, 0.33sec, and 0.52sec in phase 3, respectively in order. Duration of time elapsed for each subjects is the longest in phase 1, and phase 3 and phase 2 in order of duration.
2) Center of gravity (COG) variables
Transverse axis (Sagittal Axis) showed a big movement rightward. Anteroposterior axis (Frontal Axis) moved forward from initial event to falling event. Longitudinal axis was situated 110cm high from the ground from initial event to falling event.
3) Posture variables
Generally all angles of right and left elbows and knees are flexed the ground during a Dutguri motion. In Gulgi phase, right angles are all flexed and among left angles knee angles were extended. In falling phase, generally elbow, shoulder angles are all flexed, but knee angles are extended.
Key Words
dutguri, ssireum, center of gravity, COG
The comparison of clean & jerk movements between excellent and non-excellent female weight Lifters 운동역학 : 여자역도우수선수와 비우수선수간 용상동작의 비교 분석
최은자EunJaChoi , 김창범ChangBumKim , 신준용JunYongShin
44(2) 351-362, 2005
The comparison of clean & jerk movements between excellent and non-excellent female weight Lifters 운동역학 : 여자역도우수선수와 비우수선수간 용상동작의 비교 분석
최은자EunJaChoi , 김창범ChangBumKim , 신준용JunYongShin
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the kinematic parameters and action potential of muscles in clean and jerk techniques between excellent(n=3, national team) and non-excellent(n=3, high school) female weight lifters, using 3-dimensional image analysis and electromyogram(EMG) system. Each player performed clean and jerk technique with 80% weight of best record. This study resulted in as follows ;
1. By the result of the analysis about motion time required by step, both excellent and non-excellent players were the fastest at 1st pull step, and much time was required in dip-split step and stand up step.
3. The velocity of barbell by step showed that both excellent players and non-excellent players were fast at 2nd pull step and dip-split step. That is, displayed similar aspect between excellent players and non-excellent players. 4. By the result of analysis about the changes of knee joint angle by step, both excellent players and non-excellent players showed the biggest change between 2nd pull step and squat step. That is, in both groups the angle of knee joint increased gradually in 1st pull step and decreased a little passing last point of 2nd pull step. Also, the change of hip joint angle was similar to the change of knee joint angle. That is, both groups showed the biggest change between 2nd pull step and squat step.
5. By the result of EMG analysis in biceps femoris muscle by step, excellent players showed the highest action potential at 1st pull step, and non-excellent players displayed the highest action potential at 2nd pull step.
6. By the result of EMG analysis in vastus lateralis muscle by step, excellent players showed the highest action potential at squat step, and non-excellent players displayed high action potential at stand up step and dip-split step.
7. By the result of EMG analysis in erector spinae muscle L4, L5 by step, excellent players showed highest action potential at squat step, and non-excellent players displayed the highest action potential at dip-split step.
8. By the result of EMG analysis in trapezius muscle by step, both excellent players and non-excellent players showed the highest action potential at dip-split step.
Key Words
weight Lift, kinematic, EMG
Comparative analysis of muscle activities for upper extremity during biceps curl by using free-weight and elastic band exercise equipments 운동역학 : 프리-웨이트와 탄성밴드 운동기구를 이용한 상완이두근 커얼 동작 시 상지근육의 근활동치 비교분석
44(2) 363-371, 2005
Comparative analysis of muscle activities for upper extremity during biceps curl by using free-weight and elastic band exercise equipments 운동역학 : 프리-웨이트와 탄성밴드 운동기구를 이용한 상완이두근 커얼 동작 시 상지근육의 근활동치 비교분석
This study compared electromyographic (EMG) activity of the selected muscles during biceps curls. Five male and five female subjects performed 10-RM and 20-RM biceps curls using both dumbbell and elastic tubing.
For each load and device condition, the peak and mean EMG levels during different phases of a biceps curl were computed. A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures (p<.05) was performed for each parameter. The results suggest that both devices should be used in order to provide sufficient stress to the muscles throughout the range of motion. However, the resistance of elastic tubing due to the elasticity is gradually increasing as the elbow flexion is progressing, and the resistance is at its peak when the elbow flexion is completed. This is somewhat similar trend to the actual strength curve that reveals muscle can produce more force at the middle of elbow flexion. Therefore, this elastic tubing could be one of the least expensive dynamic variable resistance exercise machines. It is suggested that this elastic tubing would be very effective as a home exercise tool for rehabilitation patients, elderly people, and everyone who does not have enough strength to control free weight load.
Key Words
dynamic variable resistance exercise, rubber band exercise, surgical tubing, strength training
Is BMI appropriate for assessing a weight ratio of Athletes? 체육측정평가학 : 운동선수의 체중비 추정을 위한 BMI 지수의 적절성
강상조SangJoKang , 박재현JaeHyeonPark , 김미예MiYeKim
44(2) 375-384, 2005
Is BMI appropriate for assessing a weight ratio of Athletes? 체육측정평가학 : 운동선수의 체중비 추정을 위한 BMI 지수의 적절성
강상조SangJoKang , 박재현JaeHyeonPark , 김미예MiYeKim
Body weight adjusted for height is often used in exercise science and epidemiological studies to determine overweight and obesity of individuals and groups. Such measures being widely used are simple ratio index (SRI: weight/height) and BMI (weight (kg)/height2 (m)). Recent evidence, however, suggests that use of SRI and BMI is quite likely to penalize shorter individuals, because SRI and BMI have positively significant correlations with height. Log linear modelling (LLM: allometric modelling) has been introduced in the field of exercise science as one of techniques that can be used to create an index of weight properly adjusted for by height. The present study was to develop LLM index, which is free of the confounding effect of height in college-age combat sport athletes. Subjects for this study were 212 college-age combat sport athletes (Taekwondo n=55, Judo n=52, Boxing n=46, and Wrestling n=59) and 76 racket ball athletes selected for comparison purpose from Seoul and Kyunggi area. Total 33 variables (9 skinfolds, 10 girths, 6 breadths, 6 lengths, and height and weight) were measured by the four level 3 anthropometrists based on International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment prepared by International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS PC+ and window10.0. Pearson r and regression analysis, and analysis of covariance for examining a homogeneity of regression were computed for comparisons among the different combat sport and racket ball events. Moderate but statistically significant positive correlations were observed between BMI and height in each combat sport event, ranging from .372 to .411. The result confirmed that BMI penalized shorter combat sport athletes. LLM was applied to the total sample with a separate analysis for each combat sport event. The resulting height exponents was a=2.863±.297 for Taekwondo, 2.870±.266 for Judo, 3.078±.362 for Boxing, and 2.961±.290 for Wrestling events. This suggested that only one height exponent (WtHt-2.728) could be determined for scaling of weight regardless of combat sport events.
Key Words
BMI, weight ratio, regression model, allometric model
Development of a compendium of physical activities in Korean version and computer software for physical activity records 체육측정평가학 : 신체활동평가를 위한 한국어판 신체활동 목록과 컴퓨터 프로그램 개발
Development of a compendium of physical activities in Korean version and computer software for physical activity records 체육측정평가학 : 신체활동평가를 위한 한국어판 신체활동 목록과 컴퓨터 프로그램 개발
It has been well acknowledged that physical activity could serve as the primary preventive behavior for several major chronic health problems, such as coronary heart disease, Type II diabetes, and cancer. Along with the importance of physical activity for various health outcomes, a compendium of physical activity, developed by Ainsworth et al. (1993; 2000), has received widespread acceptance among researchers and practitioners in the fields of exercise science, public health, and physical activity. This compendium was designed to standardize the coding for intensity levels of various physical activities and to enhance the comparability of results across studies using physical activity records, logs, or questionnaires. Little effort, however, has been made by researchers in Korea, which might be due to the absence of the compendium of physical activity written in Korean. In addition, relatively high burden to researchers and amount of time and money required for data preparation and scoring further limited the use of the compendium in Korea. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to develop a compendium of physical activity in Korean version, and to introduce a new computerized Energy Expenditure Automatic Scoring (EEAS) program for assessing physical activity records. The EEAS program may reduce the labor-intensive scoring for data analyses and shorten the amount of researcher's time and effort. The compendium of physical activity in Korean version along with a computerized EEAS program will be successfully used as a major research tool for physical activity research to large populations in an effective manner.
Key Words
compendium of physical activity, assessment of PA, energy expenditure, automatic scoring
The Effects of Complex Training on Leg Muscular Power and Maximum Strength in University Basketball Player following 6 weeks 체육측정평가학 : 6주간 복합트레이닝이 농구선수의 근 파워와 초대 근력에 미치는 영향
유영규YoungKyuYu , 송원석WonSukSong , 정연성YonSungJung
44(2) 405-414, 2005
The Effects of Complex Training on Leg Muscular Power and Maximum Strength in University Basketball Player following 6 weeks 체육측정평가학 : 6주간 복합트레이닝이 농구선수의 근 파워와 초대 근력에 미치는 영향
유영규YoungKyuYu , 송원석WonSukSong , 정연성YonSungJung
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects in reinforcement training of leg muscular power and maximum strength for six weeks. Research subjects were some of 12 university athletes who play basketball.
They were divided into three group ; three types of experimental groups. the changes of the leg muscular power and maximum strength were compared and analyzed. Results found from such a comparative analysis study were as follows ;
1. The change of leg muscular power.
1) The measured value of standing long jump, standing triple jump, and vertical jump had an effect on training for six weeks in the order of complex training group, plyometric training group, and weight training group. And complex training group showed a most largely improvement but, it wasn't statistically significant difference among the three groups.
2) The measured value of 25m single leg hop had an effect on training for six weeks in the order of weight training group, complex training group, and plyometric training group. And weight training group showed a most largely improvement but, it wasn't statistically significant difference among the three groups.
2. The change of leg maximum strength.
Result of training for six weeks, the measured value of leg maximum strength had an effect in the order of complex training group, plyometric training group, and weight training group. And complex training group showed a most largely effect but, it wasn't statistically significant difference among the three groups.
In conclusion, the change of leg muscular power and leg maximum strength were statistically significant difference before and after training but, it wasn't statistically significant difference among the three groups.
Key Words
complex training, plyometric training, weight training, muscular power, maximum strength
The Effect of Service Orientation on The Management Performance in Sport Center Organization 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠센터 조직의 서비스지향성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향
44(2) 417-427, 2005
The Effect of Service Orientation on The Management Performance in Sport Center Organization 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠센터 조직의 서비스지향성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to shed a light on the effect of sport center organization service orientation on the management performance. 270 sport center employees were chosen from sport centers located in Seoul and Gyeonggi. Among 270 questionnaires distributed and collected, 42 were excluded from the study because they were not either thoughtfully or completely answered. As a result, only 228 questionnaires were adopted and analyzed. The reliability test by using Cronbach Alpha method has the following results: the service leadership reliability is .9313, the reliability in employee power is .8242, the reliability in service training/prevention is .7940, the reliability in employee satisfaction is .8794, the reliability in service quality is .8025 and the management performance reliability is .7366. This paper utilizes the statistical data analysis methods including correlation analysis and regression analysis. The findings acquired based on the aforementioned research methods and data analysis are as follows: First, employee satisfaction showed a significant difference about service orientation, and service orientation had 57.0%(R²=.570) of influence about employee satisfaction. Second, service quality showed a significant difference about service orientation, and service orientation had 27.3%(R²=.273) of influence about service quality. Third, management performance showed a significant difference about service orientation, and service orientation had 32.2%(R²=.322) of influence about management performance. Fourth, service quality showed a significant difference about employee satisfaction, and employee satisfaction had 37.8%(R²=.378) of influence about service quality. Fifth, management performance showed a significant difference about employee satisfaction, and employee satisfaction had 46.0%(R²=.460) of influence about management performance. sixth, management performance showed a significant difference about service quality, and service quality had 53.3%(R²=.533) of influence about management performance.
Key Words
service orientation, employee satisfaction, service quality, management performance
A study of the institutional matter and the solution device though efficient management strategy for TaeKwonDo center 스포츠산업,경영학 : 태권도장 경영 효율화를 위한 제도적 문제점과 해결방안
44(2) 429-442, 2005
A study of the institutional matter and the solution device though efficient management strategy for TaeKwonDo center 스포츠산업,경영학 : 태권도장 경영 효율화를 위한 제도적 문제점과 해결방안
The purpose of this study is to diagnose the reasons of management difficulty by examining/analyzing basic systems related to TaeKwonDo as a method to find a way out of TaeKwonDo centers in saturation, and to find a solution. The solution of this problem can cause the training quality of more essential problem to increase. The results of this study are:
First, the value of training in TaeKwonDo centers must be recovered. The contents of center training must recover not only the satisfaction of customer and demands to epoch change, but also the martial artistic value of TaeKwonDo.
Secondly, advancement of TaeKwonDo coaches to foreign countries must be promoted.
Thirdly, developing program to secure adult population of TaeKwonDo training is urgent.
Fourthly, offices fully in charge of TaeKwonDo center must be newly established among 3 important organizations. New establishment of offices fully in charge of TaeKwonDo centers is an important agenda concerning the fact that diverse solutions to efficient center management and population of trainees in TaeKwonDo centers can be supported.
Fifthly, a realistic system supplement to extend the period of training is necessary. Therefore, identification in training suit reinforces visible motive, and can directly affect to extend period of training by giving satisfaction to the trainees.
Sixthly, the spirit of the times must be secured through system support of TaeKwonDo world and absurdity must be gotten rid of from beginning.
Seventhly, education for TaeKwonDo coaches needs to be substantial. The education to become TaeKwonDo coaches, which is only 4 hours of education in World TaeKwonDo Headquarters, exposes the limits to coach education.
Eighthly, there is necessity so secure new layer of training due to change in judgmentregulations. The change in judgment regulations provides a final role in creating a new training culture. Making the inspection diverse with a program such as TaeKwon exercise can be a solution.
Ninthly, TaeKwonDo centers must find solutions to lead a new level of training form and culture.
The Effect of Sport Center Relationship Marketing Implement Factors on the Customer Trust and Customer Commitment 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠센터 관계마케팅 실행요인이 고객신뢰 및 고객몰입에 미치는 영향
오현환HyunHwanOh , 노동연DongYunRoh
44(2) 443-451, 2005
The Effect of Sport Center Relationship Marketing Implement Factors on the Customer Trust and Customer Commitment 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠센터 관계마케팅 실행요인이 고객신뢰 및 고객몰입에 미치는 영향
오현환HyunHwanOh , 노동연DongYunRoh
This study is designed to shed a light on the effect of sport center relationship marketing implement factors on the customer trust and customer commitment. 300 sport center customers were chosen from sport centers located in Seoul. Among 300 questionnaires distributed and collected, 24 were excluded from the study because they were not either thoughtfully or completely answered. As a result, only 276 questionnaires were adopted and analyzed. The reliability from .6641 to .8334 was secured through Cronbach's Alpha analysis. This paper utilizes the statistical data analysis methods including correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results were as follows.: First, sincerity showed a significant difference about relationship marketing implement factors, and relationship marketing implement factors had 42.8%(R²=.428) of influence about sincerity. Second, reliance showed a significant difference about relationship marketing implement factors, and relationship marketing implement factors had 56.3%(R²=.563) of influence about reliance. Third, relationship continuance desire showed a significant difference about relationship marketing implement factors, and relationship marketing implement factors had 32.2%(R²=.322) of influence about relationship continuance desire. Fourth, relationship important recognition showed a significant difference about relationship marketing implement factors, and relationship marketing implement factors had 19.5%(R²=.195) of influence about relationship important recognition. Fifth, relationship continuance desire showed a significant difference about customer trust, and customer trust had 43.0%(R²=.430) of influence about relationship continuance desire. sixth, relationship important recognition showed a significant difference about customer trust, and customer trust had 21.5%(R²=.215) of influence about relationship important recognition.
The Analyze of Trend of Quantitative Research of Korean Journal of Sport Management 스포츠산업,경영학 : 한국 스포츠 산업,경영학회지의 양적 연구 경향 분석
44(2) 453-461, 2005
The Analyze of Trend of Quantitative Research of Korean Journal of Sport Management 스포츠산업,경영학 : 한국 스포츠 산업,경영학회지의 양적 연구 경향 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the trend of the qualitative research area and the statistical methods in Korean Journal of Sports Management. A trends analyzed researches of questionnaire research method and data analysis method of sports management for content analysis methodology published researches already. The focus studied view of research direction. This study used in 162 researches of the 247 researches published on the Korean Journal of Sport Management during the 1996 to 2003.
For this research, it was arranged to classify a research analysis and method, and area. The research method used quality analysis method and statistical method. The study of sports management analyzed to have a few trends to be changed from quality research to research for statistical method gradually. Study of analysis collected recently quality data and statistical data for questionnaires, and it figured about 30.24 percent a trend to inquiry a research test after pre-test. The topic of research was a case of problem solving generally.
The method of statistical analysis used ANOVA, frequency analysis, confidence test, regression analysis, etc. orderly each researches three kinds of analysis method once. Method of questionnaire analyzed questionnaire kinds showed the most 35 researches(21.60%), study target population sampling and types was random sampling 39 researches(24.07%), confidence analysis was 133 researches(82.09%) of 162 researches each.
Key Words
research, trend, sport
The Service Quality and the Customer Satisfaction of Yoga Center 스포츠산업,경영학 : 요가센터 서비스 품질과 고객 만족도
정영남YoungNamChung , 박인혜InHyePark
44(2) 463-474, 2005
The Service Quality and the Customer Satisfaction of Yoga Center 스포츠산업,경영학 : 요가센터 서비스 품질과 고객 만족도
정영남YoungNamChung , 박인혜InHyePark
The purpose of this study is to present an analysis of fundamental data for management, and operation of the Yoga centers by adopting an appropriate measurement tool and subsequently modifying it in order to analyze the relationship between each and overall components of the service quality and customer satisfaction, and to identify the characteristics that contribute to overall customer satisfaction the most.
To make this research more reliable and accomplish its purpose, a customer satisfaction survey using the 'Convenience & Quota Sampling Method' has been conducted upon 400 people who were randomly selected from 6 different Yoga centers located in Seoul. However, after eliminating 75 samples that failed to describe demographic features, only 325 were used for the actual analysis. As for the statistical data, the Exploratory-Factor analysis, Co-Relationship analysis and Stepwise Multi-Regression analysis were used, and the results are as follows:
First, the level of overall customer satisfaction in terms of Yoga center service quality factors was determined by the trainer, reliability, understanding, facility, courtesy, and accessibility, respectively. Second, only four factors out of six, such as trainer, facility, reliability, and accessibility, demonstrated actual influence on overall customer satisfaction level.
Based on the results listed above, the increase in the number of customers, especially potential customers, with the intension of continuing and bringing about positive word-of-mouth effect can be expected if the customer satisfaction level enhances by utilizing management strategies of Yoga centers.
Key Words
yoga center, service quality, customer satisfaction
A Study on the Racing Sports Participants` Motive Effecting on their Involvement 스포츠산업,경영학 : 경주스포츠 내장객들의 관여도에 영향을 미치는 참여동기 분석
황재연JaeYeonHwang , 한우진WooJinHan
44(2) 475-484, 2005
A Study on the Racing Sports Participants` Motive Effecting on their Involvement 스포츠산업,경영학 : 경주스포츠 내장객들의 관여도에 영향을 미치는 참여동기 분석
황재연JaeYeonHwang , 한우진WooJinHan
The purpose of this study is to investigate racing sports participants' motives effecting on their involvement so as to analyze racing sports market more practically.
This study set the people who watched the games of 2003 regular season game of cycle racing and motorboat racing at stadiums as a population and distributed a total of 700 questionnaires to them using the convenience sampling method, one of nonrandom sampling methods. Out of collected 700, 430 (cycle racing 218, motorboat racing 212) were selected for the analysis; those whose contents were judged to be insincere and to be unsuitable for the purpose of the study, and missing were excluded. To analyze materials, the frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis and multiple regression analysis were used as statistic analysis techniques.
The results of this study were as follows.
First, participants on cycle racing evaluated more highly in all respects - visiting frequency, betting frequency, an amount of betting money - than those of motorboat racing. Most people visited ground by themselves, but some of them accompanied with friends and members of family in cycle racing. Participants on motorboat racing did the other racing sports more than those of cycle racing.
Moreover, involvement was affected by new experience, betting, personal contacts and play among the participants' motive. In detail, importance was affected by betting, new experience and play. Risk awareness was affected by new experience. At last, sign was affected by personal contacts and betting.
Key Words
racing sports, participants, patterns of participation, involvement factor, motive factor
A study on the Exposure Time of A-Board on TV during 2002 Korea Japan World cup 사회체육학 : 2002년 한,일 월드컵 경기의 공식후원업체의 A-보드 노출율에 관한 연구
This study is intended to provide fundamental date on the effect of A-Board during 2002 Korea Japan, world cup by examining the advertisement of 15 companies that served as an official sponsor, which were exposed on TV during 7 matches that Korea national Football had during 2002 Korea Japan world cup. I examined the findings according to the hypothesis and concluded as follows.
1. The average exposed time of the front A-Board was long in order of Marster card, Adidas, Fuji Film and Gillette. For the average exposed time of he left one, KT and Abaya were long. In other words, for the average exposed time of the front A-Board, the mid field area was exposed the most. For the average exposed time of the left and right one, the corner kick area on the other side of the main stadium had the highest level of exposure. These were found homogeneously in 7 matches that Korea team had.
2. The A -Board that were exposed the most on TV in 7 matches that Korea team had were KT, Adidas, Gillette, JVC, Toshiba, Budweiser and Fuji Film in order. Yahoo had the shortest exposed time.
3. The average exposed time in the match with Germany was long in order of yahoo, philips, Fuji Flim and Hyundai. The average exposed time in the match with Poland was long in order of Master Card and KT. Especially, Fuji Film was exposed for 1,722 sec (the longest exposed time) in the match with Spain while Gillette was exposed for 123 sec (the longest exposed time). this indicates that in the game Korea versus Spain the direction of pushing affects the advertisement of Fuji Film.
4. As the point of view on the game interacts with the location of A-Board, the average exposed time of A-Board on TV differs (Interaction effect). As the point of view on the game and the location of A-Board affect the average exposed time of A -Board on TV, it is shown that the location of A-Board affects the progress and the point of view on games the most.
Key Words
2002 korea japan world cup, A-board
Leisure Competence and Leisure Control Scale of Dance Sport Participants 사회체육학 : 댄스스포츠 참가자의 레저능력과 레저컨트롤 수준
44(2) 499-512, 2005
Leisure Competence and Leisure Control Scale of Dance Sport Participants 사회체육학 : 댄스스포츠 참가자의 레저능력과 레저컨트롤 수준
In this age of full-fledged mass leisure, attention to and participation in leisure and sports are incomparably greater than ever. Accordingly, we see a boom in sports market, sports marketing, and sports business including various school programs concerned with leisure and sports. In particular, dance sports has recently become a very popular living sport event with the increased chances of citizens' participation.
The research has so far been centered on the roles and functions of leisure in terms of time shortage and activity restriction. Recently, the psychological states of leisure are emphasized. At present, therefore, certain activity is judged as leisure according to the feelings or conceptions of individuals based on the activity's experience. The measurement instrument here in this study is LDB(Leisure Diagnostic Battery), fully activated in the USA and some advanced countries.
As of March 2004, 1,056 regular participants of dance sports in big cities, including Seoul and Busan, were selected on a stratified cluster random sampling method and given a questionnaire survey. The following conclusions were resulted through the one-way ANOVA, factor analysis:
Trust Building of Female JUDO Athlete and Coach 사회체육학 : 여자유도선수와 지도자의 신뢰형성하기
조민선MinSunCho , 김현식HyunSikKim , 이제행JeHaengLee
44(2) 513-522, 2005
Trust Building of Female JUDO Athlete and Coach 사회체육학 : 여자유도선수와 지도자의 신뢰형성하기
조민선MinSunCho , 김현식HyunSikKim , 이제행JeHaengLee
The purpose of this study is to describe in depth on how female judo athlete build trust in her coach. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, a qualitative case study was conducted with 135 female athletes (7 in depth interviews and 128 surveys). In the process of gathering data in depth interviews, documental researches, open surveys were included and it was analyzed using inductive category analysis. In collecting and analyzing data the reliability, validity, and morality were confirmed. As a result, the way of building trust divides into two: a positive interaction between the athlete and the coach and a negative interaction between the athlete and the coach. The positive interaction between the athlete and the coach can be approached from two view points; 1)coach based approach and 2)athlete based approach. The former indicates the coach actively building human relations with the athlete and the latter vice versa. The negative interaction between the athlete and the coach occurs accordingto lack of conversation and understanding between the athlete and the coach. These negative interactions can lead to mistrust between the athlete and the coach.
Key Words
trust building, female JUDO athletes
A Study of Leisure Behavior among Youth in Korea 여가,레크리에이션학 : 정보화 사회, 한국 청소년의 여가행위에 관한 조사연구
44(2) 525-535, 2005
A Study of Leisure Behavior among Youth in Korea 여가,레크리에이션학 : 정보화 사회, 한국 청소년의 여가행위에 관한 조사연구
The purpose of this study was to examine leisure behavior among youth in Korea. In order to examination of purpose this study, involved factors of the leisure behavior, consumer of leisure, leisure information, type of leisure activity and leisure companion. Data were collected from male(N=1110) and female students(N=975) who attend high school located throughout the country of Korea, by the method of cluster random sampling. Statistics employed in this study were t-test, χ²-test, analysis of covariance. The major findings of this study were as follow:
The result indicated that examine leisure behavior among youth were significant pattern. The consumer of leisure, gain of leisure information, involved type of leisure activity, leisure companion shows that meaningful pattern by social demographic characteristics of youth in Korea.
Key Words
youth, Leisure behavior, consumer of Leisure, Leisure information, type of Leisure activity, Leisure companion
The Analysis on Leisure Policy in Korea 여가,레크리에이션학 : 한국의 여가정책 분석
김선희SunHeeKim , 김현나HyunNaKim
44(2) 537-552, 2005
The Analysis on Leisure Policy in Korea 여가,레크리에이션학 : 한국의 여가정책 분석
김선희SunHeeKim , 김현나HyunNaKim
The changes of leisure environment in 5 days work-week will be expected the changes of labor market and national leisure life. The Korean Government has already promoted the policy of the various fields of leisure for guaranteeing the leisure opportunity and quality of life.
So this study analyse the contents and problems of leisure policy of the present Government and suggest the leisure policy suitable for the new circumstance.
The method of this study is policy evaluation analytic model that presented the Gilbert and Specht(1974). That was made up of 4 part of questions, that is social allocation, social provision, delivery system and finance. It was applicable analysis the law in connection with leisure, leisure facilities, administrative agency and government finance
The conclusion is as follows:
First, the basic leisure rights must be enacted. Although the rights related leisure were existed in the constitutional law indirectly, the basic leisure law is need to establish for equal rights of leisure chance and leisure life .
Second, the Government must to play a leading role for constructing the leisure facilities. Easily accessible, low price and public leisure equipments is essential provisions for giving the equal chance to the nation.
Third, the whole responsible post of leisure policy must to be established. It is need of planning and execution for effective leisure policy connected with government agency.
Forth, the leisure finance must to expend. The financial conditions of Ministry of Culture and Tourism(MCT) is just 1.33% of national finance, and the most of MCT finance lay disproportion of tourism, cultural industry, elite sport and juveniles. So the fiscal scale must to be expended quantitatively and needed financial support for the people of every class.
Key Words
Leisure policy, gilbert & specht
Korean Football Supporters Culture as Serious Leisure 여가,레크리에이션학 : 진지한 여가(Serious Leisure)로써의 한국 프로축구 서포터즈 문화
44(2) 553-563, 2005
Korean Football Supporters Culture as Serious Leisure 여가,레크리에이션학 : 진지한 여가(Serious Leisure)로써의 한국 프로축구 서포터즈 문화
The 'Grandbleu' which is the football supporters club association of Suwon Samsung F.C. was focus club of this study. The sample was selected by the typical model sampling method. The Grandbleu consists of small groups. I have observed this supporters club for 8 months. However, I did not a member of any small group. So, I could maintain neutrality. The data was obtained by depth-interview, participant-observation, e-mail, internet homepage, video recoding, and articles. The analysis method was used by conversation analysis. Stebbins(1992) found serious leisure and explained 3 types of serious leisure(amateur, hobbyist, career volunteer) and 6 characteristics of serious leisure. As a result of this study, I found that Korean football supporters club activities could be explained as a serious leisure. The characteristics of Korean supporters club activities were as follows: There were 2 types of serious leisure(amateur, hobbyist) in the supporters club; supporters developed their career from each 3 type of interests(football itself, favorite players, supporters culture).
Key Words
serious Leisure, supporters culture
Phenomenological interpretation on the Leisure experience for female professional dancer 여가,레크리에이션학 : 여성 무용수의 여가 경험에 관한 현상학적 해석
이정수JungSooLee , 이철원ChulWonLee , 송성섭SungSupSong
44(2) 565-572, 2005
Phenomenological interpretation on the Leisure experience for female professional dancer 여가,레크리에이션학 : 여성 무용수의 여가 경험에 관한 현상학적 해석
이정수JungSooLee , 이철원ChulWonLee , 송성섭SungSupSong
This study was to explore what kind of leisure professional female dancers experience during their vacation or in their free time beyond their regular activities and leading to the comprehension of their life. The data collected by deep interviews and participating observations were described and interpreted on the basis of theme analysis. Also, in an attempt to gain the comprehension of their living leisure experience from the views of them, who live as professional dancers, the qualitative study in terms of phenomenology has been applied.
The research participants remembered the days when they took a trip or learned jazz dance, saying they wanted to go through those days again. They almost took their meeting people and light driving as examples in their current leisure experiences. They mentioned their certain desire for a trip with their past good memory, especially for their backpack trips, which have never been experienced. In spite of their lack of satisfying leisure experience, they said they wanted to select the right leisure for them and experience it, of many kinds of leisure activities. It may suggest that leisure scholars need to understand special needs about leisure of expert group such as professional dancer more insightful.
Key Words
female dancer, Leisure experience, phenomenology
Casual Model among Self-concepts, Leisure Attitude, Leisure involvement in Leisure Sports of workers 여가,레크리에이션학 : 직장인의 자아개념과 여가태도 및 여가스포츠활동 관여도의 인과모형
44(2) 573-583, 2005
Casual Model among Self-concepts, Leisure Attitude, Leisure involvement in Leisure Sports of workers 여가,레크리에이션학 : 직장인의 자아개념과 여가태도 및 여가스포츠활동 관여도의 인과모형
The purpose of this study was to examine the casual relationship among self-concepts, leisure attitude and leisure involvement in leisure sports of office workers. To achieve the purpose of this study, white color workers who were working in a company located in Seoul, were selected as population of this study. After selecting 10 companies by means of stratified cluster random sampling method, 490 office workers were sampled for this study. A total of 450 subjects were used for employee data analysis. Instruments used in this study were Self-concepts scale, Leisure Attitude scale, Modified Consumer Involvement Profile. To analyze data, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted.
The results of this study as follows;
First, there is direct effect between self-concepts and leisure involvement.
Second, there is indirect effect between self-concepts and leisure involvement through leisure attitude. Third, there is direct effect between leisure attitude and leisure involvement.
Key Words
self-concepts, involvement, Leisure attitude
The Effect of the Football Play on the Social Development of Children with Developmental Disorder 특수체육학 : 축구놀이가 발달장애아동의 사회성 발달에 미치는 영향
이명휘MyungHwiLee , 이창섭ChangSeopLee , 채지훈JiHoonChai
44(2) 587-598, 2005
The Effect of the Football Play on the Social Development of Children with Developmental Disorder 특수체육학 : 축구놀이가 발달장애아동의 사회성 발달에 미치는 영향
이명휘MyungHwiLee , 이창섭ChangSeopLee , 채지훈JiHoonChai
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the football play on the social development of children with developmental disorder. Subjects in this study were three children with developmental disorder in an educational institute for those children in D-metropolitan. They had difficulties in self-concept and human relations in social development. A football play was individually conducted 12 times for 12 weeks. The findings of this study were as follows: First, the football play improved three children's play with other children and adults. During the training, an increasing frequency of plays occurred to only two of three subjects, but one remained unaffected. Second, the play football training improved two children's relationship with their parents, siblings, other children and other adults, but one had no significant improvement. Third, the play football training decreased three children's inappropriate behaviors, such as insistence on the sameness, tantrum, self-injured behaviors, while it increased following instructions, spontaneity, concentration, adaptative and spontaneous behavior to the group.
It was discussed that children's disorder symptom experienced a variety of physical activity in the play football training, that the experience might affect their interests in play. Finally they could initiate play for themselves and responded to others demands for play, that children disorder might have more interests in other people and increase the initiation of social interaction and responses to other's demands, as they became competed and cooperated with playmates through the play football training.
Key Words
play football training, social development, developmental disorder
A Historical and Sociological Analysis of Court Dance as a Civilizing Process during the era of japanese oppression 무용학 : 문명화과정으로서 일제강점기 궁중무용의 역사사회학적 분석
박진희JinHeePark , 김옥희OkHeeKim
44(2) 601-611, 2005
A Historical and Sociological Analysis of Court Dance as a Civilizing Process during the era of japanese oppression 무용학 : 문명화과정으로서 일제강점기 궁중무용의 역사사회학적 분석
박진희JinHeePark , 김옥희OkHeeKim
This study aimed to analyze the socio-historical change of a traditional dance shown in the Courtdance during the era of japanese oppression , being based on the theory of civilizing process by Elias, in which he claimed that the human action changes according to a civilizing process and includes a socio-historical meaning.
For this purpose, being based on the analytical frame proposed in the research of Elias, we used a socio-historical and comparative methode of analyze, collecting materials of Court dance over the last centuries, thereby analyzing and interpreting them.
For our references, we used archives and private interviews as a first order materials and related articles and performance annuls as secondary resources, concluding as follows.First, while the feudal system was collapsing and the society was undergoing a sudden change, Courtdance during the era of japanese oppression made an incompatible form of combination and the kisaeng association took the responsibility of succeeding the traditional dance, presenting itself as a organization contrary to a group of court dance. In this social change, the emergence of a new dance came to seperate people preferring the modern culture form those holding on to the traditional dance, thereby incurring a lot of conflicting argument about a succession of tradition.Secondly, court dance under the japanese oppression went through a civilizing process, where it had realized a traditionality as an universal art value with an introverted national identity.
Key Words
civilizing process, incompatible form
Effect of modern dance movement on antioxidant enzyme and Lipid peroxidation 무용학 : 현대무용 동작 수행이 항산화 효소와 지질과산화에 미치는 영향
박해준HaeJoonPark , 안응남EungNamAn
44(2) 613-621, 2005
Effect of modern dance movement on antioxidant enzyme and Lipid peroxidation 무용학 : 현대무용 동작 수행이 항산화 효소와 지질과산화에 미치는 영향
박해준HaeJoonPark , 안응남EungNamAn
This research is conducted to analyze the changes of activity of GPX, SOD and CPK, all bodily antioxidant enzymes, placed when some modern dance movements are conducted temporarily. So this is aimed to offer the basic data for dancers to conduct movements sustainingly, and enhance their physical health. 4 male and 4 female students majoring in modern dance in K univ. and D univ., ages are 19 to 25, are subjected for this research. As a result, SOD and GPX, enzyme defense system of radicals, the activity increase from the temporarily dance movements. Also, CPK and LDH, which mean the cell wall destruction, and MDA, which directs lipid peroxidation by radicals, increase by temporarily dance movements, quite fairly compared to stable state. They verify the promotion of oxdizing chain reaction of cells and tisues by radicals, when dance movements are conducted. Later on, these researches are considered to be necessary: a supplementary ingestion of antioxidants from conducting dance movements, more systematic study by the intensity of movements, studies by enlarging the span of age, subjects, groups.
Key Words
modern dance movement, SOD, GPX, Lipid peroxidation
The Effects of Social Physique Anxiety on Motivation and Emotion in Jazz Dance Participants 무용학 : 사회적 체형불안이 재즈댄스 참여동기와 정서에 미치는 영향
44(2) 623-634, 2005
The Effects of Social Physique Anxiety on Motivation and Emotion in Jazz Dance Participants 무용학 : 사회적 체형불안이 재즈댄스 참여동기와 정서에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of social physique anxiety on motivation and emotion in jazz dance participants in order to describe the psychological effects of jazz dance activity. A total of 296 subjects were chosen for this study. They answered Sport Emotional Scale and Sport Motivation Scale modified and developed by Jung Yonggak in 1997. The results are as follows: Fist, there was a significant difference between overweight in physical self-description and overweight by Rohrer(p<05). Second, there was a significant difference between physical self-description in amotivation and physique by Rohrer(p<.05). Third, there was no significant difference between positive emotion group(p>.05). Fourth, there was a significant difference between groups on social physique anxiety(p<.05).
Key Words
social physique anxiety, motivation
Effects of Short-term 70-80% RM Weight Training on 1RM and Insuline-Like Growth Factor-I in Male High School Students 발육,발달학 : 단기간의 70~80%RM Weight Training이 남자고교생의 1RM과 Insuline-Like Growth Factor-I에 미치는 영향
박원익WonIkPark , 양점홍JumHongYang , 최재현JaeHyunChoi
44(2) 637-647, 2005
Effects of Short-term 70-80% RM Weight Training on 1RM and Insuline-Like Growth Factor-I in Male High School Students 발육,발달학 : 단기간의 70~80%RM Weight Training이 남자고교생의 1RM과 Insuline-Like Growth Factor-I에 미치는 영향
박원익WonIkPark , 양점홍JumHongYang , 최재현JaeHyunChoi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of short term weight training(WT) on 1RM and insulin-like growth factor-Ⅰ(IGF-Ⅰ) in male high school students. Twenty subjects participated in this study from N high school in B metropolitan city. Participants were randomly allocated to experimental group(n=10) and control group(n=10). Experimental group conducted 85~100 minutes of WT which consist of 5 items with 6~8 repetition, 3sets, four days a week, and with 70 to 80% of RM for 12 weeks.
The SPSS version 11.0 was used to analyze data. Gap between two groups was analyzed with t-test, and gap within two groups was identified by using paired t-test.
The results of this study were as follows;
1. The level of blood plasma IGF-I was significantly increased in experimental group after the program, but there was no significant difference between groups.
2. 1RM of squat, shoulder press, leg lunge, bench press, and dead lift were all significantly increased in experimental group after the program, and the experimental group was superior to the control group in whole items.
In conclusion, these results indicate that resistance training leads to favorable changes on 1RM and IGF-Ⅰ in male high school students, however further studies should be performed with different exercise duration and exercise intensity.
Effects of aerobics exercise on obesity Leptin, body composition and blood components 발육,발달학 : 유산소 운동이 남자 비만 대학생의 Leptin, 신체구성 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
44(2) 649-658, 2005
Effects of aerobics exercise on obesity Leptin, body composition and blood components 발육,발달학 : 유산소 운동이 남자 비만 대학생의 Leptin, 신체구성 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this experiment was to recognize the influence of exercise executed for 8 weeks, and what the specific influence was on leptin, body composition and blood components according to the duration of the exercise routine. The subjects of this experiment were 16 male university students who had a minimum of 25% of %fat and had no lead a basically sedentary life style. They were divided into two groups, one was the exercise-group and the other was the non-exercise-group. Each group had 8 members.
At the onset of the experiment the subjects executed a 50minute work-out on a treadmill with an HRmax of 75%. Blood samples were taken prior to the exercise when the subject was stable as well as immediately following the work out. The blood was analyzed for blood lipids and leptin.
After 8 weeks of aerobics exercise group decreased their weight, fat mass, and the rate of fat in comparison with the control group whose body compositions did not change significantly during the experiment.
However, after the aerobics exercise were executed for many hours, in comparison with the non-exercise-group, the exercise-group's HDL rates increased but their TC and TG rates decreased. Regarding leptin changes, the exercise-group's leptin rate decreased.
The results of this experiment show that exercise effects body composition, blood lipids, leptin. The reason is aerobics increases our body's metabolism and lipolysis, and increases muscles mass, adipose tissue, and rate of energy consumption, and use of adipose. Therefore, aerobics that are executed for many hours increase energy consumption, so it prevents obesity which can lead to chronic disease. In conclusion, exercise is an effective method to maintain our good health.
Key Words
Leptin, body composition, blood components, HRmax, exercise